Weekly Wellness (June 8-12, 2020)

Posted: June 7, 2020

 Mental Fitness:

Cook a meal with or for someone in your “bubble”


Take 10 slow, deep, mindful breaths


Take an hour break (or more) from your screens each day this week.

Play a game of charades with family members or someone in your “bubble”

Play Simon says and/or duck, duck goose with a family member


Play (or learn to play) a musical instrument.  There are many tutorials available on YouTube.

Go out after dark to look at the stars (Check out Mr. Maillet’s page on the CMS Website for info).

Find a comfy spot and daydream about something you’d like to do or somewhere you’d like to be.

After you wake up in the morning, say a couple of positive things about yourself.

Spend time dancing to some of your favourite songs - like nobody is watching.


Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Mission Monday:  Hold a plank while spelling your full name forwards and backwards.
  • Track Tuesday: Practice your sprinting skills. Designate a start and finish line and get someone to time you.  How long does it take to cross the finish line?  Try 5 times.  Can you improve your time? 
  • Wheelie Wednesday: Review road safety and then go Skateboard, Bike or Rollerblade.
  • Target Thursday: Create your own washer toss game using 2 different size buckets or pots.  Place the smaller object inside the larger one.  Create a start line and use an underhand toss to try to throw a small object into the bucket.
  • Family Fun Friday: with your family, play a game of tag or capture the flag.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)

  • GoNoodle:  https://family.gonoodle.com  GoNoodle engages kids with free movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.  GoNoodle inspires kids to be active and mindful with a wide range of offerings that appeal to kids’ different ages, interests, skills, and abilities.
  • The Fitness Marshall:  https://bit.ly/3bkkZar  Looking to stay active but not interested in “working out”. Look no further than The Fitness Marshall and his upbeat Kid-Friendly Dance Workout - Fun for the whole family.  



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