Weekly Welness (April 13-17, 2020)

Posted: April 13, 2020

Mental Fitness:

Disconnect - Go offline for an hour (or more).

Play a card or board game with a family member.

Make your bed when you get up in the morning.

Relax by listening to some calming music.

Sing your favorite song out loud – like nobody is listening!.

Draw a picture of something or somewhere that makes you happy.

FaceTime/ Skype or phone a friend, family member or go-to person

 Spend some quality time with your pet (or favourite stuffed animal)

Go for a walk and take note of the sights and sounds around you.

Help with chores around the house (clean up, wash the dishes, put out the trash, etc.)


Physical Fitness:


A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Go for a walk with a family member or with your dog.
  • Go for a bike ride or a jog around the block
  • Jump rope / hula hoop out in the driveway
  • Shovel some snow onto your driveway to make it melt quicker
  • Play catch with a family member
  • Play a game of Ladder Ball or Washer Toss.  You can create your own target game from items found around the house

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)


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