7/8 FI Activités Extra

Posted: April 14, 2020

  • Participer dans une ou plus des activités suivantes :
    • Draw a picture or write a short note thanking frontline (essential) workers for the job that they are doing during this difficult time. Take a closeup, front-facing photo of you holding your creation and send it by email to angela.young@nbed.nb.ca. She will be choosing a few images to create a Facebook post in their honour. J’aimerais que ta note soit écrite en français. Tu peux en faire deux, une en français et l’autre en anglais si tu le désires.
    • Try some of the physical and mental fitness activities found on the “Physical/Mental Fitness” tab of this website (http://cms.nbed.nb.ca)
    • Check out Mr. Maillet’s “Little extras” on his teacher page on this website (https://cms.nbed.nb.ca)
    • Experiment with one of the latest district STEAM Challenge activities found at https://tinyurl.com/ryk2fxt (Week of April 6th) or https://tinyurl.com/rcystaj (Week of April 13th)