Posted: September 15, 2021
Well, it is a very rainy day today. I hope you are all doing well. I am only adding a short activity for you today. If you have not had time to do parts one and two of Create Your Own Superhero, please work on that. Do it on any kind of paper you have at home. Do not stress over it, I only expect you to try your best and have fun with it.
Today's task is to list 5 to 10 things from the summer that you could write about.
Here is my list:
My failed garden
Kings Landing visit
walking the train bridge
Losing a dear friend
meeting Millie, my new furry niece (and my dislike of puppies?)
MacCurdy's farm
Mini wool series
return of VIA
Simba's vet visits
busy neighborhood/porch musings
mother-daughter trip 2021
my summer reads
I had to take 10 minutes and go through my facebook posts to add to this list, it didn't just happen quickly...take time to make your list.