Posted: September 22, 2021
Write On! If I were a vampire…
“One,” Chester said, “vampires do not sleep at night. They sleep only during the day. Two, vampires can get in and out of locker rooms. Three, vampires have long pointed teeth. They’re called fangs.”
“Well, don’t we have fangs?”
“No, we have canines. Fangs are more pointed, and vampires use fangs to bite people on the neck.”
“Yeck! Who’d want to do that?”
“Vampires would, that’s who.”
-from Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery
Fill in the following as if you were a vampire:
My vampire name is:
What I like best about being a vampire is:
Here’s the worst part:
The funniest thing that ever happened to me was the time:
Here’s my favourite way to scare people:
But one time I was scared. Here’s what happened:
When I write my autobiography, I think I’ll title it:
My favourite time of day or night is:
My favourite place to be is:
My favourite snack is: