Personal well-being - expressing emotions

Posted: September 23, 2021

Thursday, September 23rd, 2021


Good morning Grade 5!  I really hope you are excited that we are coming back to school tomorrow!  I am excited to see you guys again and can’t wait to do some fun activities!


Art and Personal Well-being: Expressing how we feel can come in so many forms.  We can act, draw, paint, craft, digitally create a presentation, etc.  How could you express how you are feeling about returning back to class? Are you excited? Are you scared? Are you happy? Are you sad?  Do you have a lot of feelings?  Are your feelings a jumble of so many?  What are you feeling? Why are you feeling that way?

Make your creative art piece to show how you are feeling.


I have attached my painting about my feelings.  I have used splotches of purple and yellow mixed together.  I used splotches because I am excited and nervous because there are some changes coming up and we are back to class!  I used purple because it is a happy colour for me and I am so happy to see you all again!  I also used yellow because to me it really shows excitement and my excitement is exploding to return to the class!


See you tomorrow!

PDF icon painting.pdf133.55 KB