Ms. Savoy Notes

Ms.Savoy's page


Posted: April 13, 2020

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and are staying safe and active. For this week:

Please continue reading your class novel (group novel for those in 6, 7 & 8 FI)- if you have it home, or another novel (other or ebook).  Once you are finished the novel, please write me a reading letter (using the format/prompts found in my teacher pages) and send it to me via email if possible.

Continue your twice weekly journals and your mindfullness/stretching.

You can email me anytime if you have any questions or just to let me know how you are doing.  I'd love to hear from you.


Home Learning Modules for ELA Ms. Savoy for 5, 6, 7 & 8 FI

The activities I have chosen for you are not meant to be assessed (marked) but to keep your mind and body healthy.  These are activities that I am doing in my day to day routine as well.  I encourage you to try your best and keep your brain active.

Students in grade 5 are scheduled for 15 minutes of ELA time each day, Monday to Friday.  Students in grades 6, 7 & 8 - 30 minutes of ELA time each day, Monday to Friday.

If you have any questions (student or parent) please email me at

I have 3 homework assignments to get you writing, one reading and one for your mind & body.

To come later:  poetry (grades 6, 7 & 8), Art (grades 5, 6 &  8) and a research piece (7FI: Japanese internment camps, 5FI: research a topic of your choice).

 5FI students:  In the near future I will hopefully be adding videos of me reading… finishing Submarine Outlaw for those who are anxious to find out how it ends. The author has approved this. Each recording will be one chapter at a time.  I will also include a recap for the first video to refresh ourselves of the plot.

I miss you all and hope you are all doing well.  Be kind, be safe.
