Mr. Carter

Home of Mathematics & Physical Education

Posted: November 10, 2021

Hello Everyone!

For all grade 6, 7, 8 English Prime classes:


We will be using Microsoft Teams for our main source of communication during "Home Learning". If you need any help with usernames or passwords, please reach out.


Please log-in to Dreambox:

If you have a tablet, Dreambox will ask you for a school code... our school code is knjs5pjy
If you have a laptop or desktop, please log in the same way we would at school.
If you need any help with your username or password, please let me know.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Posted: November 2, 2021


Hello Everyone!

For all grade 6, 7, 8 English Prime classes:

Please log-in to Dreambox:

If you have a tablet, Dreambox will ask you for a school code... our school code is knjs5pjy
If you have a laptop or desktop, please log in the same way we would at school.
If you need any help with your username or password, please let me know.
Expectation: I would expect us to be on Dreambox for 30 minutes each day. Remember, if there are lessons that seem too difficult, you may back out of them and try another one. Hopefully we will have enough time each day to complete 1-2 lessons. 
I would also love to make the switch to Microsoft Teams. If you are able to download the app on your phone/tablet/laptop, please do so. Once you do, please indicate that you are online with a message or a thumbs up. 
Please email me or leave a message on here with any questions you may have.
I would MUCH prefer to see us all at school but unfortunately we can not do that at this time. I hope everyone is well. Most importantly, do something today that YOU enjoy!
- Mr. Carter

Due Date: 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Posted: September 22, 2021


Hello All :)

It is very important that we recognize and understand simple addition and subtraction questions that include positive and negative numbers.

Here is another video that will give us more insight and strategies to solve these equations.

Attached is our worksheet for the day. It includes 12 subtraction questions using both positive and negative numbers. Tomorrow we will be looking at both addition and subtraction questions.

Here is the game that was posted on Monday. This should be a fun way to improve our skills :)

Again, do not hesitate to ask if you have a question.

Have a great day :)


Due Date: 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Posted: September 21, 2021


Hello Everyone :)

Here is a video that will get our brains thinking:

These are so tough math games that could stump anyone. Feel free to try this with siblings or anyone else at home.

Do not forget to take a look at the material that was posted last week, along with yesterday's work.

Have a great day :)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Posted: September 20, 2021


Hello All :)

Here is a fun warm-up activity for your day.

Follow along with the teacher in the video for a fun way to get our body moving.


After that warm-up... take a look at this WOULD YOU RATHER activity:


For both activities, please find a safe and comfortable spot to move.

Hope you all enjoy your Monday :)

Due Date: 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Posted: September 20, 2021


Hello Everyone,

Today we will be looking at a strategy we can use to solve the addition and subtraction of positive and negative integers.


Here is a nice visual aid to help with adding integers:

We also have a fun and intereactive game that you could play to test your ability of adding and subtracting integers:

You wil see 2 attachments below that will provide us with practice questions.

Please go back and review any materials from last week that you may have missed.

Any questions, do not hesitate to contact me via email:

Have a great day :)

Due Date: 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Posted: September 17, 2021


Hello Everyone,

I hope everything is going well.

The assignments posted yesterday were for Thursday and Friday. However, I will be attaching a few math games to this post for those of us looking for building on their NUMBER SENSE!

Browse through the games and see what works for you :)

There are addition and multiplication games. These games require either dice or a deck of cards. I will also attach a blank die page that you could print off to create your own dice.

We also have the Integers game that was posted on Wednesday.

Practice makes... you better :)

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Due Date: 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Posted: September 16, 2021


Hello Everyone :)

The work posted for today will be for both Thursday and Friday.


The assignments are attached and should be completed in order:

1. Integer Represent

2. Greater Integers

3. Integer Addition


*Use the answer key provided to check your work :)


Do not forget to review these 2 videos to help assist you with the assignments.

This is a brief overview of INTEGERS!:

This video will explain the addition and subtraction of INTEGERS!:


**Any questions or concerns, please contact me via email.

***Please contact me if you need your Microsoft Teams username and password.

Have a great day :)


Due Date: 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Posted: September 15, 2021


Hello All :)

Here is a look into what we will be doing once we return to class.

For some of us, this may be review. For some, it may be brand new.

This is a brief overview of INTEGERS!:

This video will explain the addition and subtraction of INTEGERS!:

Here is a game you can play with a deck of cards. If you do not have a deck of cards, you can create your own cards using paper or roll dice (one die must be indicated as the negative die). This game will work with multiple players and can also be done solo.

ALL STUDENTS: Closely watch the videos above, expecially the Addition and Subtraction video. Pause and rewatch if needed. Then, begin to play the integer game below. For today, I will only ask that you watch the videos and begin playing the Addition variation of the game which is explained in the first 5 minutes.

Math Game:

***Note: If you are able to log-on to Microsoft Teams, please send me a quick "hello" so I know who is able to access it at this point.

Any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me :)

Have a great day everyone :)

Due Date: 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Posted: September 14, 2021


Hello Everyone!

Another day of home-learning is ahead of us and while you are navigating through your assignments DO NOT forget to take a break,

Here we have a brain break that deals with STRETCHING. Stretching is very important for our bodies regardless of how active or inactive we are. 

Please take the time today to follow along with this BRAIN BREAK to get your body and mind ready to learn.

Feel free to do this more than once today :)

Have a great day :)


Due Date: 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021
