CMS Sports

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Wednesday, May 18th:

·         3:30 to 5:00pm: Boys volleyball practice (possible scrimmage against JRS)


Thursday, May 19th:

·         3:30 to 5:00pm: Boys volleyball practice/scrimmage with girls volleyball team


Sunday, May 22rd-Monday May 23rd :

·         Boys Volleyball team participate in the Jack Lawson Middle School Cup in Moncton.  Go Cougars Go!


This week in CMS Volleyball (May 2nd to May 6th):

 Monday, May 2nd  

4:30 pm:  Lady Cougars volleyball game at Jacquet River School


Tuesday, May 3rd:

3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice

3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice


Wednesday, May 4th:

4:30 pm: Cougars host PDJ, SMS and PRP

This week in CMS Volleyball (April 25-29):
Monday, April 25th:
• 4:30 pm: Lady Cougars volleyball game at Superior Middle School in Bathurst

Tuesday, April 26th:...
• 3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice
• 3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice

Wednesday, April 27th:
• 4:30 pm: Cougars volleyball game at École Mosaique du Nord in Balmoral

Thursday, April 28th:
• 3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice
• 3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice

Monday, April 18th:
• 4:30 PM: Lady Cougars Volleyball Game in Jacquet River

Tuesday, April 19th:
• 3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice
• 3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice

Wednesday, April 20th:
• 4:30 PM: Cougars Volleyball Game at École Domaine Étudiant (in Petit Rocher)

Thursday, April 21st:
• 3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice
• 3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice

Monday, April 11th:

·      4:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Team hosts games at CMS. 


Tuesday, April 12th:   

·      3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice

·      3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice


Wednesday, April 13th:

·      4:30pm: Cougars Volleyball team travels to Carrefour-Étudiant (Beresford) for a game


Thursday, April 14th:

·      3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice

·      3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice



This week in Cougars and Lady Cougars Volleyball (April 4th to 8th)


 Monday, April 4th:


·         3:30 to 5:15 pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice and scrimmage vs. PRP


·         4:30 pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Game in Dalhousie 


Tuesday, April 5th:   


·         3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice 


Wednesday, April 6th:


·         4:30 pm: Cougars Volleyball Game in Jacquet River 


Thursday, April 7th:


·         3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice


·         3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice


Saturday, April 9th-10th:
Cougars travel to the Places des Jeunes volleyball tournament in Bathurst/Beresford.

April 9th: The Cougars play at 11:00am, 2pm and 3pm in Beresford (École Carrefour Étudiant)

April 10: The Cougars will play in the playoff round of the PDJ tournament in Bathurst (École Place des Jeunes). Time is determined by Saturday standings.


Because of today's school closure here is the schedule for the CMS Cougars and Lady Cougars Volleyball for the rest of this week (March 30th to April 1st):

Wednesday, March 30th: 
4:30pm: Cougars volleyball game in Bathurst at École Place des Jeunes

Thursday, March 31st: 
3:30 to 5:00pm: Cougars Volleyball Practice
3:30 to 5:30pm: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice

Friday, April 1st: 
4:30pm: Lady Cougars volleyball game at CMS. (Versant Nord, Superior and Dalhousie)

Posted: March 20, 2016

Directions from CMS to Other Schools (for sports teams)

This week in CMS volleyball:
Monday March 21st:
4:30 PM: Lady Cougars volleyball game in Bathurst (École Place des Jeunes)
Tuesday March 22nd:
3:30 to 5 PM: Cougars Volleyball Practice
3:30 to 5:30 PM: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice
Wednesday March 23rd:
4:30 PM: Cougars volleyball game in Balmoral (École Mosaique du Nord)
Thursday, March 24th:
3:30 to 5:30 PM: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice

CMS Cougars and Lady Cougars Volleyball this week (March 14-18th):

Monday March 14th: 

4:30 PM: Lady Cougars host Superior Middle School 2, Versant-Nord and Jacquet River School 2

Tuesday March 15th: 

3:30 to 5 PM: Cougars Volleyball Practice

3:30 to 5:30 PM: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice

Wednesday March 16th: 

4:30 PM: Cougars host PRP, Carrefour Étudiant (Beresford) and La Croisée (Robertville)

Thursday, March 17th: 

3:30 to 5 PM: Cougars Volleyball Practice

3:30 to 5:30 PM: Lady Cougars Volleyball Practice


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Added: Fri, Nov 20 2015