Mlle Leclair Notes

Voici la page d'apprentissage à la maison de Mme LeClair, 5FI!


Dear parents and guardians,

Home learning will be starting tomorrow, January 11th until at least January 21st. Everyone can get a packet here at school if they wish, but the same things will also be posted online daily. So, your child can watch a YouTube video for math, and then do the paper copy worksheet. Do whatever works best for you!

Work packets can be picked up today, January 10th, from 1:00-3:00. If this date/time does not work for you, please call the school or email me at so that we can arrange another time. 

We will also have virtual check-ins on Teams every day at 11:00. They are not mandatory, because I understand that not everyone is available at the same time every day!

Thank you for your support and understanding during these hectic times!

- Mme LeClair

Good evening parents and guardians,

I am currently preparing things for home learning starting tomorrow. By now, all students have their usernames and passwords and know how to use Microsoft Teams. I will be posting all schoolwork there. If you have issues (your child forgot their password, they don't remember how to get into Teams, etc.), please email me at !

Every day at 11:00, I will host an online meeting so that students can ask any questions they may have and just to say hi to their friends! To access the meeting, they just have to go to the Team called "Français 5FI." The meeting will be on the page in blue. They just have to click on the meeting at 11:00 and then click join meeting! 

Of course, you can email me or message me through Teams ANYTIME during the school day if you have questions and 11:00 is not a good time. I would be happy to video chat with your child at another time if you'd like. 

These are uncertain times, but we will do the best we can! I hope everyone had a fun and spooky weekend!

- Mme LeClair

Dear parents and guardians,

Here is today's home learning:

French - Read the book I have chosen for you on eBooKids, then answer the questions. 

Math - Open the document and write the numbers in the written format. For example, if the number was 58, you write fifty-eight.

*If any of my 6-7-8 FI students are looking for Health work: Scroll down until you find a post from Monday concerning Health. Your assignment is there!

- Mme LeClair

Dear parents and guardians,

Here is today's home learning:

French - same as yesterday's lesson, just choose a new book. See yesterday's French work post for details.

Math - open the document and write the numbers in the standard format. For example, if the number was forty-seven, you write 47.

*If any of my 6-7-8 FI students are looking for Health work: Scroll down until you find a post from Monday concerning Health. Your assignment is there!

- Mme LeClair

Votre travail aujourd'hui est le même que hier, mais juste choisissez un nouveau livre! Va trouver le "post" d'hier de Français pour savoir quoi faire. 

Dear parents and guardians,

Today for Home Learning, there are two activities to do. For math, students listen to a recording of me saying large numbers and they must copy them down in standard format (for example, 33) and in written format (for example, thirty-three).

For French, there is a website with French books and students are to choose a book and read it. Then, they can answer questions about their book. 

- Mme LeClair

Good morning,

Students have work to do for French and Math. Everything is uploaded here and will also be uploaded to Teams shortly. For math, students are to watch my YouYube video and do the examples in the video (just on a sheet of paper!). For French, they have sentences to write based on the word list that was posted a few days ago. They can do these sentences on paper and hand them in when we're back in class, or type them on Word and send them to me on Teams. 

If you have any questions, my email is

If your child knows how to message me on Teams, they can also send me questions that way!

Have a great day!

Posted: September 20, 2021

Bon matin les élèves,

Si tu vas plus bas sur ma page, tu vas trouver une liste de mots. Pour français, je veux que tu choisis un mot de la liste et écris une phrase avec ce mot. Après ça, choisis deux mots et écris une phrase avec ces mots. Essaie avec trois, quatre... comment loin peux-tu aller? Quel est le plus de mots de la liste que tu peux utiliser dans une phrase?? Tu peux écrire tes phrases sur une feuille de papier et me les donner vendredi en classe, ou tu peux les taper dans Word et me les envoyer sur Teams!

Dear parents and guardians,

Since it is late in the day, what I am posting today can be for tomorrow as well. For French, continue practicing your words. For math, continue practicing multiplication and division facts. Yesterday I posted an interactive multiplication quiz, today I have posted one for division. I will also be posting these things to Teams within the hour.

From here on out, I will post material for the day as soon as possible in the morning. For example, Monday right when I get in to school I will post Monday's lessons, so now you will know when to expect them! 

- Mme LeClair

Pour français, continuer à pratiquer vos mots. Regardez plus bas sur cette page pour trouver les mots. N'oubliez pas qu'il y a aussi deux enregistrements que tu peux écouter de moi en train de lire les mots (ça peut t'aider à bien les prononcer!). 

Dear parents and guardians,

I will be posting Home Learning options here on my teacher page. Every post has a date and the subject, so you know what to do when. I will also include a description near the top of the page in English for parents and guardians.


Every year in the fall, we test students on commonly used French words (similar to sight words in English if you are familiar with that concept). I check with each student to see if they can pronounce these words and if they can spell them correctly. This week in class, I would’ve been testing the students so for Home Learning, I am giving students the opportunity to practice their words before we get back to in class learning.

Here’s how you can practice at home:

-          Practice saying the words in your head

-          Practice saying the words aloud

-          Practice spelling the words on paper.

There are a lot of words, so break it down! Maybe do a letter a day, ten words a day… whatever works easiest for you and your child!

For pronunciation, I have posted two audio recordings of myself reading through the whole list so students can hear exactly how to pronounce words.


Mastering your multiplication tables is very important in grade 5, so I found an interactive quiz online. If you have other resources at home like flash cards, multiplication games, a times tables list to go over, etc. feel free to use those to!

- Mme LeClair

Note to parents and guardians: Some new home learning material will be posted this afternoon. Stay tuned!

Posted: June 5, 2020

Bonjour les élèves, 
Voici votre travail pour aujourd'hui, le vendredi 5 juin
1. Faites votre calcul mental. 
2. Vérifiez vos rectangles et vos carrés du travail d'hier.
3. Activité à essayer!!
Tous les documents, site webs, etc. dont vous avez besoin se trouvent après cette note!

Posted: June 5, 2020

Bonjour les élèves, 
Voici votre travail pour aujourd'hui, le vendredi 5 juin
1. Faites votre calcul mental. 
2. Essayez la feuille de travail. 
Tous les documents, site webs, etc. dont vous avez besoin se trouvent après cette note!

Posted: June 5, 2020

Voici votre travail pour aujourd'hui 8e année! 

J'ai trouvé deux quiz en ligne... un qui est l'aire de la surface et l'autre qui est le volume!

L'aire de la surface :

Le volume :
