Mlle Leclair

Voici la page d'apprentissage à la maison de Mme LeClair, 5FI!

Dear parents and guardians,

I will be posting Home Learning options here on my teacher page. Every post has a date and the subject, so you know what to do when. I will also include a description near the top of the page in English for parents and guardians.


Every year in the fall, we test students on commonly used French words (similar to sight words in English if you are familiar with that concept). I check with each student to see if they can pronounce these words and if they can spell them correctly. This week in class, I would’ve been testing the students so for Home Learning, I am giving students the opportunity to practice their words before we get back to in class learning.

Here’s how you can practice at home:

-          Practice saying the words in your head

-          Practice saying the words aloud

-          Practice spelling the words on paper.

There are a lot of words, so break it down! Maybe do a letter a day, ten words a day… whatever works easiest for you and your child!

For pronunciation, I have posted two audio recordings of myself reading through the whole list so students can hear exactly how to pronounce words.


Mastering your multiplication tables is very important in grade 5, so I found an interactive quiz online. If you have other resources at home like flash cards, multiplication games, a times tables list to go over, etc. feel free to use those to!

- Mme LeClair

Posted: September 15, 2021

5FI Math - Le mercredi 15 septembre, 2021

Voici un petit quiz interactif pour pratiquer la multiplication!

Voici la liste de mots fréquents pour pratiquer d'écrire et de dire. 

PDF icon liste_de_mots_frequents.pdf430.08 KB

Ici, tu peux écouter Mme LeClair lire la liste de mots fréquents de A à J afin de savoir comment prononcer chaque mot!

Ici, tu peux écouter Mme LeClair lire la liste de mots fréquents de L à V afin de savoir comment prononcer chaque mot!

Note to parents and guardians: Some new home learning material will be posted this afternoon. Stay tuned!

Posted: September 13, 2021

Voici un petit travail de Français que tu peux essayer!

File home_learning_-_francais2410.docx59.4 KB

Voici un petit défi de mathématiques à essayer! 

Posted: June 8, 2020

Voici des activités pour la dernière semaine d'école! Vous avez juste ça à faire cette semaine, la dernière journée de "Home Learning" est le vendredi 12 juin! Amusez-vous!

PDF icon 5e_annee_derniere_semaine_decole.pdf891.36 KB

Posted: June 8, 2020

Voici des activités pour la dernière semaine d'école! Vous avez juste ça à faire cette semaine, la dernière journée de "Home Learning" est le vendredi 12 juin! Amusez-vous!

PDF icon 6e_annee_derniere_semaine_decole.pdf864.62 KB
