Physical and Mental Fitness Notes

Physical and Mental Fitness


Posted: June 7, 2020

 Mental Fitness:

Cook a meal with or for someone in your “bubble”


Take 10 slow, deep, mindful breaths


Take an hour break (or more) from your screens each day this week.

Play a game of charades with family members or someone in your “bubble”

Play Simon says and/or duck, duck goose with a family member


Play (or learn to play) a musical instrument.  There are many tutorials available on YouTube.

Go out after dark to look at the stars (Check out Mr. Maillet’s page on the CMS Website for info).

Find a comfy spot and daydream about something you’d like to do or somewhere you’d like to be.

After you wake up in the morning, say a couple of positive things about yourself.

Spend time dancing to some of your favourite songs - like nobody is watching.


Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Mission Monday:  Hold a plank while spelling your full name forwards and backwards.
  • Track Tuesday: Practice your sprinting skills. Designate a start and finish line and get someone to time you.  How long does it take to cross the finish line?  Try 5 times.  Can you improve your time? 
  • Wheelie Wednesday: Review road safety and then go Skateboard, Bike or Rollerblade.
  • Target Thursday: Create your own washer toss game using 2 different size buckets or pots.  Place the smaller object inside the larger one.  Create a start line and use an underhand toss to try to throw a small object into the bucket.
  • Family Fun Friday: with your family, play a game of tag or capture the flag.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)

  • GoNoodle:  GoNoodle engages kids with free movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.  GoNoodle inspires kids to be active and mindful with a wide range of offerings that appeal to kids’ different ages, interests, skills, and abilities.
  • The Fitness Marshall:  Looking to stay active but not interested in “working out”. Look no further than The Fitness Marshall and his upbeat Kid-Friendly Dance Workout - Fun for the whole family.  



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Mental Fitness:

Disconnect - Go offline for an hour (or more).

Play a card or board game with a family member.

Make your bed when you get up in the morning.

Relax by listening to some calming music.

Record a performance for the CMS Virtual Talent Show

Make a wish list of 3 things you want to do after social distancing. Reflect on why they are important.

Discuss a time you were scared during quarantine. What could you do different next time?

Create a nature scavenger hunt to do by yourself or with family

Make a poster or collage about yourself. Include your favorite food, activities, etc.


Write a letter to a favorite teacher past or present. Share a memory from their class.


Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day. 

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

·         Make it up Monday: Make up a game where you must practice your kicking skills.

·         Toning Tuesday: Do 5 burpees, 5 pushups, 5 jumping jacks, 5 lunges, 5 squats and 5 exercises of your choice.

·         Wheelie Wednesday: Review road safety and then go Skateboard, Bike or Rollerblade.

·         Tossing Thursday: Toss a ball or a pair of socks at the wall.  Can you think of 7 different ways to catch it?  Example: 2 hands, clap then catch.

·         Family Fun Friday: Make up a dance with your family, who has the best dance moves?

·         Softball Saturday: Act like a pitcher.  Practice your underhand throw using a ball or a pair of balled-up socks.  How far can you throw?

·         Sunday Special: Go for a walk with your family and try to discover something new.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)

·         BOKS Canada Kid-Friendly Home Workouts on Facebook Live every weekday at 1PM  or archived on YouTube

·         GoNoodle:  GoNoodle engages kids with free movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.  GoNoodle inspires kids to be active and mindful with a wide range of offerings that appeal to kids’ different ages, interests, skills, and abilities.

·         ASDN-Virtual Olympics: ASD-North will be offering a "Virtual Olympic" games for all students and their families over 10 days from May 25-29 and June 1-5. The games will consist of three activities each day that students can compete in. There will be a video and activity card provided for each day detailing the activities that are to be completed with an explanation and a demonstration of the activities. Events can be completed as many times as desired over the week and do not have to be done on the suggested day.  A list of equipment required will be posted on the ASD-N website.  Most, if not all, of the required equipment can be found around the house or yard.  Parents and students are encouraged upload any pictures and videos to social media using the hashtag #asdnvirtualolympics


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Mental Fitness:

Disconnect - Go offline for an hour (or more).

Play a card or board game with a family member.

Make your bed when you get up in the morning.

Relax by listening to some calming music. 

Record a performance for the CMS Virtual Talent Show

Draw a picture of something or somewhere that makes you happy.

FaceTime/ Skype or phone a friend, family member or go-to person.

 Spend some quality time with your pet (or favourite stuffed animal).

Go for a walk and take note of the sights and sounds around you.

Help with chores around the house (clean up, wash the dishes, put out the trash, etc.)


Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day. 


A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Make it up Monday: (Victoria Day). Make up a dance. Can you include 4 different body parts? High and low movements?
  • Try-it Tuesday:  Create your own obstacle course. Can you include a jumping, throwing and balance activity?
  • Wobbly Wednesday: Practice your balance. Try balancing on your knees, one foot, or your belly. How long can you balance? 
  • Target Thursday: Set up some targets (e.g. toilet paper rolls or water bottles). Practice kicking a ball or pair of socks to knock them down.
  • Family Fun Friday: Who in your family can juggle? Who has the coolest trick?
  • Softball Saturday: Play a game of softball. Use a pair of socks as a ball, your hand as a bat and items around your home for bases.
  • Sunday Special: Pick one special activity to do with your family.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)

  •   PE with Joe:  New workout videos posted on YouTube each day Monday-Friday for everybody in the family – 30, 15 and 5 minute videos) 
  • YGym Virtual Physical Activity:     YGym is a free healthy community program for young people and families across Canada!  YGym is instructed by YMCA certified fitness instructors and features content based on YMCA Canada's Health & Fitness Programs and Canada's Physical Activity Guidelines.
  •  ASDN-Virtual Olympics: will be offering a "Virtual Olympic" games for all students and their families over 10 days from May 25-29 and June 1-5. The games will consist of three activities each day that students can compete in. There will be a video and activity card provided for each day detailing the activities that are to be completed with an explanation and a demonstration of the activities. Events can be completed as many times as desired over the week and do not have to be done on the suggested day.  A list of equipment required will be posted on the ASD-N website.  Most, if not all, of the required equipment can be found around the house or yard.  Parents and students are encouraged upload any pictures and videos to social media using the hashtag #asdnvirtualolympics
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Mental Fitness:

Cook a meal with or for someone in your “bubble”


Start your outdoor garden inside, so you can transfer it outdoors when the weather is warmer

Take an hour break (or more) from your screens each day this week.

Play a game of charades with family members or someone in your “bubble”


Play Simon says and/or duck, duck goose with a family member


Go fly a kite or build a kite with plastic bags if you don’t have one.


Volunteer to help a neighbor by raking leaves or picking up branches in their yard


Camp out in your living room, build a blanket fort, get comfortable and relax by reading a good book.

Play balloon/or beach ball volleyball with a family member

Go outside after dark to look at the sky and stars. (Check Mr. Maillet’s teacher page for more info)



Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Make it up Monday: (Victoria Day). Make up a game where you must protect a Queen or save a Princess!
  • Toning Tuesday:  10 burpees, 10 high knees, 10 squats, 10 crunches and 10 exercises of your own.
  • Wheelie Wednesday: Review road safety and then skateboard, bike or roller blade.
  • Tossing Thursday: Toss a ball or pair of socks up in the air. Can you catch it 21 times in a row?
  • Family Fun Friday: Who can jump the farthest? Highest? Who can hop the fastest?
  • Skipping Saturday: Set a timer, how long can you skip for? Try again. Can you beat your record?
  • Sunday Special: Go for a walk with your family. Who are 3 special people in your life? Write them a note or draw them a picture.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)

  • YGym Virtual Physical Activity  YGym isa free healthy community program for young people and families across Canada!  YGym is instructed by YMCA certified fitness instructors and features content based on YMCA Canada's Health & Fitness Programs and Canada's Physical Activity Guidelines.
  • The Fitness Marshall:  Looking to stay active but not interested in “working out”?  Look no further than The Fitness Marshall and his upbeat Kid-Friendly Dance Workout - Fun for the whole family.
  • Darebee:Fitness blueprints, no-equipment visual workouts, fitness programs and challenges, training and running tips, recipes and nutrition advice.

o   Choose from 1400+ workouts

o   Follow a program

o   Try a 30-Day Challenge


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Weekly Wellness (May 11 - May 17, 2020)


Mental Fitness:

Create a card for someone you care about

Try dressing up fancy for the day.

Take an hour break (or more) from your screens each day this week.

Ask a parent what extra chore you could do that would help them today.

FaceTime or Skype or call a friend or family member.

Make a wish list of 3 things you want to do after social distancing. Reflect on why they are important.

Discuss a time you were scared during quarantine. What could you do different next time?


Make a family tree. Use paper or an online site. Call a relative to get more info. Can they tell you a story about your ancestors?

Make a poster or collage about yourself. Include your favorite food, activities, etc.

Write a letter to a favorite teacher past or present. Share a memory from their class.


Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Make it up Monday: Make It Up Monday Make up a game where you move like different animals?  (For example, Gorilla, Fish, etc.)
  • Try-it Tuesday:  Find 5 things to go over, under, around and through.
  • Wobbly Wednesday: Practice your balance by walking forwards and backwards on a line
  • Target Thursday: Set up some toilet paper rolls or items to act as pins. Practice your bowling skills.
  • Family Fun Friday: Who in your family can do the most push-ups? Crunches? Squats?
  • Softball Saturday: Get 4 items to act as bases & spread them out. Practice running around the bases. How long does it take you?
  • Sunday Special: Spend time with your family playing a game like charades, twister or hide and seek
A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)



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Weekly Wellness (May 4 - May 8, 2020)


Mental Fitness:


Write a positive letter to yourself.

Work on an art project (drawing or sculpture)

Get dressed in something other than your pyjamas.

Without asking, do an extra chore to surprise a parent.

Make a bird feeder and hang it up in the yard.


Look through a photo album from when you were young

Use some chalk or tape to create happy messages on your driveway

Create a nature scavenger hunt to do by yourself or with family.

Take an hour break (or more) from your screens each day this week.

Create a nature scavenger hunt to do by yourself or with family.


Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day.


A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Make it up Monday: Make up a game where you must practice your kicking skills.
  • Toning Tuesday for Cinco de Mayo: Do 5 burpees, 5 pushups, 5 jumping jacks, 5 lunges, 5 squats and 5 exercises of your choice.
  • Wheelie Wednesday: Review road safety and then go Skateboard, Bike or Rollerblade.
  • Tossing Thursday: Toss a ball or a pair of socks at the wall.  Can you think of 7 different ways to catch it?  Example: 2 hands, clap then catch
  • Family Fun Friday: Make up a dance with your family, who has the best dance moves?
  • Skipping Saturday: Go outside and skip or play a game of hopscotch with a family.
  • Mother’s Day: Do something nice for a special woman in your life and clean up your room or around the house.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)

  • PE with Joe:  New workout videos posted on YouTube each day Monday-Friday for everybody in the family – 30, 15 and 5 minute videos.
  • MadFIt: Maddie Lymburner posts REAL TIME, AT HOME workouts, GYM workouts, and anything else fitness related. Her goal is to help inspire everyone at all fitness levels to get up, get moving and reach their goals.
  • Fitness Blender:  A YouTube channel with videos that range from yoga, warm ups, strength training and HITT routines.  600 free full-length workout videos & counting!



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Weekly Wellness (April 27 - May 1, 2020)


Mental Fitness:

Take 10 slow, deep, mindful breaths


Take time to do some light stretching

Get a good night’s sleep (eight to ten hours).

Drink about eight glasses of water a day


Get out and help a family member with yard work

Don’t forget about daily personal hygiene (Brushing teeth, combing hair, washing your face, etc.)

Go out after dark to look at the stars (Check out Mr. Maillet’s teacher page for info).

Listen/Explore a different type of music with which you are not familiar

Create a piece of art writing your name and using descriptive words describe yourself.

Keep a gratitude journal – write 3 things daily that you are grateful for.





Physical Fitness:  Mr. Graham recommends the following resources to help you stay active at home a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing

  • Go for a walk with a family member or with a pet
  • Go for a bike ride or a jog around the block.
  • Shovel some snow onto your driveway to make it melt quicker
  • Play catch with a family member.
  • Play a game of hopscotch with a family member out in the driveway.
  • Perform a series of balancing stunts: 

o   Balance on one leg for 30-60 seconds.

o   Balance on one leg and close your eyes for 30-60 seconds.

o   Balance an object on your head for 30-60 seconds.

o   Perform a balance using one hand and one foot for 30-60 seconds.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity(click the links below)

·       YGym Virtual Physical Activity:    YGym is a free healthy community program for young people and families across Canada!  YGym is instructed by YMCA certified fitness instructors and features content based on YMCA Canada's Health & Fitness Programs and Canada's Physical Activity Guidelines. 

·       GoNoodle:  GoNoodle engages kids with free movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.  GoNoodle inspires kids to be active and mindful with a wide range of offerings that appeal to kids’ different ages, interests, skills, and abilities.

·       Jr. NBA at Home:  The Jr. NBA is the league’s youth basketball participation program that teaches the fundamentals and values of the game to help grow and improve the youth basketball experience for all.  90+ videos have been posted, some with current and former NBA players. 

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Posted: April 18, 2020


Weekly Wellness (April 20-24, 2020)


Mental Fitness:

Practice Meditation and/or mindfulness

Get outside to sit, exercise or play in the fresh air and sunlight

Cook (or help cook) a healthy meal for your family

Work on a jigsaw puzzle with a family member


Go for a walk with a family member or a pet

Play (or learn to play) a musical instrument.  There are many tutorials available on YouTube.

Go out after dark to look at the stars (Check out Mr. Maillet’s page on the CMS Website for info).

Find a comfy spot and daydream about something you’d like to do or somewhere you’d like to be.

After you wake up in the morning, say a couple of positive things about yourself.

Spend time dancing to some of your favourite songs - like nobody is watching.


Physical Fitness: 

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

·       Go for a walk with a family member or with a pet.

·       Go for a bike ride or a jog around the block.

·       Jump rope / hula hoop out in the driveway.

·       Play catch with a family member.

·       Perform a series of balancing stunts:

o   Balance on one leg for 30-60 seconds.

o   Balance on one leg and close your eyes for 30-60 seconds.

o   Balance an object on your head for 30-60 seconds.

o   Perform a balance using one hand and one foot for 30-60 seconds.

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)

·     The Fitness Marshall:  Looking to stay active but not interested in “working out”. Look no further than The Fitness Marshall and his upbeat Kid-Friendly Dance Workout - Fun for the whole family.   

·     Yoga with Adrienne: library of free yoga videos ranging in length from 10 minutes to 45 minutes. This channel has videos for Beginners as well for those looking to work up a sweat (“Yoga for Weight Loss” or “Total Body Yoga”) 

·     Darebee:Fitness blueprints, no-equipment visual workouts, fitness programs and challenges, training and running tips, recipes and nutrition advice.

o   Choose from 1400+ workouts

o   Follow a program

o   Try a 30-Day Challenge


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Posted: April 13, 2020

Mental Fitness:

Disconnect - Go offline for an hour (or more).

Play a card or board game with a family member.

Make your bed when you get up in the morning.

Relax by listening to some calming music.

Sing your favorite song out loud – like nobody is listening!.

Draw a picture of something or somewhere that makes you happy.

FaceTime/ Skype or phone a friend, family member or go-to person

 Spend some quality time with your pet (or favourite stuffed animal)

Go for a walk and take note of the sights and sounds around you.

Help with chores around the house (clean up, wash the dishes, put out the trash, etc.)


Physical Fitness:


A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Go for a walk with a family member or with your dog.
  • Go for a bike ride or a jog around the block
  • Jump rope / hula hoop out in the driveway
  • Shovel some snow onto your driveway to make it melt quicker
  • Play catch with a family member
  • Play a game of Ladder Ball or Washer Toss.  You can create your own target game from items found around the house

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)


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Mental Fitness:

Quote of the Week: “Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” 

Brainstorm and write many ways that you can motivate yourself each day while at home.   For example:  when you get up make the bed, take a bath/shower, read a few chapters of a favorite book, etc. 

What can you come up with that motivates you?

Practice 4-7-8 Breathing for stress relief:

  • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose for a 4 second count
  • Hold your breath for a 7 second count
  • Exhale completely through your mouth making a whoosh sound for an 8 second count.

Spend time listening to some calming/relaxing music on YouTube:

Write a favorite inspirational quote/saying and create a design around it.

  • Spend time each day, writing about your thoughts, feelings and experiences in a journal
  • Talk to someone about how you are feeling.
  • If you are having difficulty, don’t hesitate to reach out to a family member, to one of your teachers or call (506) 522-8167.  We are here to help!


Physical Fitness:  

A few Ideas for outdoor Physical Activity (while maintaining social distancing)

  • Go for a walk with a family member or with your dog.
  • Go for a bike ride or a jog around the block
  • Jump rope / hula hoop out in the driveway
  • Shovel some snow onto your driveway to make it melt quicker
  • Play catch with a family member
  • Play a game of Ladder Ball or Washer Toss.  You can create your own target game from items found around the house

A few ideas for indoor Physical Activity (click the links below)